To the person who insists on writing me about just “getting along with” and “finding peace with” their team mates who they refer to as the “studied experts”, I share the following (see below).
When you know about Valentino's hardship and struggle and his painful death at 31, do you not find the following (see below) all the more tragic? I do.
We are always available to have serious discussions about Valentino's life. We do not pretend to own the truth but we refer to our discoveries always with documentation.
The following are quips taken from screenshots of “studied expert” Tracy Terhune. They are not altered and are excerpted under Fair Use Guidelines. The full screenshots are preserved as evidence on three servers. So no quibbling on that needs be.
These were posted by Terhune on my old Affairs Valentino blog which I was running to promote my book and defend myself. It was hijacked by Terhune and Albert Morris. While Terhune likes to pretend that blog is a literary critique, any thinking person would laugh at that. Every single line is dripping with that man's hatred of Renato and I. Hatred like that is not something so easy to mask.
I have a million of these awful citations and I hope the person who clings to the hope these people are “studied experts” has been enlightened.
The history matters about Valentino, the integrity of it and I find what Tracy Ryan Terhune does to us and has done to us for ten years and counting unthinkable.
After Renato spoke about his childhood memories of being a little star on an Italian TV show for children, Terhune began to attack him on that "book critique" by mocking that memory.