Friday, July 19, 2024

On the Censorship of Our Work

The truth is not subjective when supported by documentation and facts. For fourteen years Renato and I shared a treasure trove of documentation to prove facts about the subject of Rudolph Valentino, Natacha Rambova, S. George Ullman, Frank Mennillo, Robert Florey, etc.

But the Valentino “mainstream” as they like to call themselves plugged their ears. And they went even farther to deny the truth be told. (banning even the mention of us on their two Facebook groups, Mad About the Boy and We Never Forget)

They censored, they lied and basically they panicked. In their continued efforts to silence us, we were portrayed as lunatics, criminals who forged documents, dottering senior citizens and described precisely how this hysterical “mainstream” behaved and behaves themselves. Renato and I were anything but. We were working hard every day, sharp as tacks, full of energy and inspired to find honest answers to our many questions... which we did!

Fortunately there are many in the world of Valentino who have questioning minds, who read our books for themselves, checked our citations, listened to our podcasts and learned some truth along the way. To them I say bravo, you are heroes!....again and again.

To those who decided it was not such a big deal and better to suck up to the “mainstreamers”? I say wake up. Your complicity is sad and embarassing. By supporting them, you support their behavior which has been proven by them year after year to be deplorable.

To censor, to shun, to taunt and harass is to bully. This is what they do. They are bullies by definition despite their ridiculous shrieking to the contrary. Their peep, peep, peepings that they are the victims is pathetic. "Mainstreamers"? I call them bullies, censors and liars. 

I assure them no matter how distraught I am now as I grieve the loss of my great love, it will be for him that I will seek and have justice... “Fiat, Justitia Ruat Caelum” ! Below, Renato in 2014 when we visited Matera. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

"To the Order of..."

Another tidbit from Affairs Valentino which took place in the courtroom during the Alberto Guglielmi Valentino v. S. George Ullman hearing. At one point Ullman's lawyer submitted some checks to the judge. He pointed out that these were blank checks signed by Rudolph Valentino and argued that if George Ullman intended to raid the estate bank account, he could have made the check out for any amount. 

The judge refused to enter the checks as evidence by saying George Ullman's integrity was not in question. The testimony regarding this is included in the appeals file and the event was widely covered in the news in Los Angeles on the day it took place. One of those cool looking checks: 


Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Grand Event!

Tomorrow, on the anniversary of the birth of Rudolph Valentino, Valentino scholar Aurelio Miccoli will present Renato's last book in a grand event held in the Valentino Museum in Castellaneta. I am so happy Aurelio Miccoli is representing the book he worked so earnestly on with me to complete after Renato's passing. 

Here is the link to the announcement of the event:

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Sharing Valuable Discoveries & Content

I am sharing the following articles which are all from the French newspaper, Comoedia and which I read in the podcasts Part 1 and Part 2 of "Rudolph Valentino & That French Incident".

They are available to anyone, and I consider these letters so valuable I want them to be a part of the Valentino record and historical legacy. 

The letter written by Jacques Hebertot (below) is included in the article by Andre Tinchant which I read in Part 1 of the podcast. Date of publication was May 31, 1924. 

This (below) is the article by J.L. Croze which includes the complete text written to him as a cablegram from Andre L. Daven. I read this in Part 2. Date of publication was May 29, 1924.

The following is the letter from Andre L. Daven which I read in Part 2. Date of publication was June 20, 1924.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Force

I found this great photo of Renato and wanted to share it because I think it says a great deal about the force that he still is.

Cin. Cin. Renato! 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Repost of: Renato Floris Defends His Wife Evelyn Against Tracy Terhune

** Originally posted by Renato Floris on July 27, 2020. 

The following is my dear husband Renato's response to Tracy Ryan Terhune's disgusting, ageist and defamatory post he made on my birthday on the blog he has run for eight years and counting under my book's title to deceive my web traffic. I should feel sorry for someone like Tracy Terhune, who can only wish he had the kind of love Renato and I share. For if he did he would not be so eager to insult and cruelly torture the elderly. And I am proud to say that is what we are.

Renato responds to this latest and mind-bogglingly ageist BS. I warn any of Tracy Terhune's associates and friends that if they are of any advanced age... this is what Tracy Terhune thinks of you. Making fun of someone who was and is fortunate enough to have lived this long only reveals his true nature.

Renato writes:

“Tracy Ryan Terhune says Evelyn is deteriorating....

This as his happy birthday wish for the seventy-two beautiful years Evelyn has lived. Tracy Ryan Terhune dared to write and I quote verbatim:

"It's sad seeing deterioration.

Is Evelyn Zumaya in control of her faculties? Asking for a friend ... Just a guess ... Maybe Renato was on the back-porch sipping on Ensure while she typed her 72nd Birthday rant?" 

... and so on and on.

First of all I suggest to Tracy Ryan Terhune that he has to wash his mouth with strong soap before daring to even speak Evelyn's name.

I did not marry Evelyn to allow Tracy Ryan Terhune to insult her, on the pirated blog Evelyn created to tell about her book, a decidedly innovative book.

I did not marry Evelyn to allow Tracy Ryan Terhune to give his condemned altar boy David Bret a pulpit from which to spit his poison.

I didn't marry Evelyn to allow Tracy Ryan Terhune to offend us because we lived "too long".

In these times when the "politically correct" rages, I wonder how a person like Tracy Ryan Terhune is allowed to gather some fans of Rudolph Valentino around the Hollywood Forever crypt.

I wonder why he is allowed to freely insult, ridicule and abuse two elderly people who care about the true story of Rudolph Valentino.

If there is an authority, a serious authority, whether they are descendants of Valentino, the Hollywood Forever administration or any other authority, I ask that because of his actions abusing the elderly and because of his ageist attacks, that Tracy Ryan Terhune not only be prevented from celebrating his macabre rite, I ask that he also be prevented from even accessing the grave of Valentino because for us as his victims...his presence there offends Valentino's memory.

Valentino's descendants may very well be upset with Evelyn because she unearthed the skeletons they jealously kept hidden in ancient trunks in dusty attics. I tell you, “Valentinos”, if you have a bit of dignity left, it is time to clean your conscience and admit the truth. This regardless of your opinions towards Evelyn because a person who acts so publicly like Tracy Ryan Terhune dishonors your relative's final resting place.

If Valentino's descendants want to continue celebrating their benefactor's memory, they could certainly find people far more worthy of the honor than Tracy Ryan Terhune.

I say to the Hollywood Forever cemetery management that I hope you realize that a person exhibiting such behavior as Tracy Ryan Terhune's, does not add luster to your establishment but only brings discredit.

I read, almost every day, about people whose shows are canceled, important contracts closed and people who must hide because maybe they have made a gaffe, a certain bad gaffe. Tracy Ryan Terhune does not make gaffes but worse... he knowingly insults, abuses a woman, ridicules people who are over and brilliantly seventy years old. To me he is one who wants only to show off his toys and recite a psalm from the Holy Bible in a boring, hypocritical, minced and retracted ceremony; supported by the cultural comfort of his companion David Bret. It is my strong desire that Tracy Terhune's Dance Macabre should cease!

Who will provide a good cleaning and honor the memory of that eagle born in a vulture's nest!

I didn't marry Evelyn to allow Tracy Ryan Terhune to continue in his game of massacring her, as long as I live I will fight for a character like Tracy Ryan Terhune to have nothing more to do with Valentino's world.

I say to Tracy Ryan Terhune, Evelyn is far from deteriorating and I think she grows more intelligent and beautiful every day. I am not sipping “Ensure” but my good Italian red wines and if I was drinking Ensure that would be fine too.

If he wonders why I married Evelyn; I married her because of two reasons. The first one is because I love her and the second one because she loves me. I say this so Tracy Terhune knows how much we love each other as by his actions he shows he is one of those angry loveless people who find joy only in hurting others.

#hollywoodforever #tracyterhune #ensure #elderpride #evelynzumaya #renatofloris 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Carrer de Natacha Rambova

Did you know there is a street named after Natacha Rambova in Génova, Mallorca? The photo below of the street named in her honor is included in Michael Morris' posthumous book, Beyond Valentino. Rambova's legacy is still appreciated by the locals but I wonder if the residents of "Carrer de Natacha Rambova" are aware of this woman's great history.

A piece of Natacha Rambova trivia:

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Last Man in Natacha Rambova's Life

When Natacha Rambova organized her expedition into the Valley of the Kings in the early 1950's as funded by the Bollingen Foundation, she hired a young artist, Mark Hasselriis as her epigrapher. Mark would spend the next twenty years with Rambova and live with her in her home in Connecticut. After her death, he went on to teach what he called Natacha Rambova's theories, extolling her Egyptological and cosmic research.

Michael Morris interviewed Mark Hasselriis for Madam Valentino and met with him on one occasion. After Michael's death, I was charged with completing Beyond Valentino, his Madam Valentino Addendum and hoped to locate a photo of the elusive last man in Rambova's life. I was so proud I was able to accomplish this.

I located his nephew who was forthcoming in sending me letters, artwork and images of this great and extremely fascinating, talented and learned man.

I also found it interesting Mark mentioned to Michael Morris how he felt the movie, “Valley of the Kings” was based on his and Rambova's expedition. Robert Taylor's character is even called, “Mark”. The plot is similar to their quest and as the movie depicts them in a torrid, yet secret love affair... one wonders. If they were lovers, I am sure it would not have been public as Mark was some twenty years younger than Rambova.

                                                     The movie based on Natacha and Mark's story. 

Mark told Michael Morris he was not sure he was “in love” with Natacha but he did “worship her” and he added that this is not always the best kind of love.

I know they did share a household at times as he refers to “their dogs”. Find Mark and Natacha's story and more images in Beyond Valentino.

A watercolor by Mark Hasselriis

                                             Mark sketching at his nephew's home in his later years

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Renato's Legacy

What a profound legacy Renato Floris left for Rudolph Valentino.... art, language, research, worldliness, visual quips...

Saturday, March 9, 2024

My Legendary Discoveries

 I feel the following is the fitting response to the following which was posted by Tracy Ryan Terhune on the blog he runs to divert my Valentino biography, Affairs Valentino's web traffic. I excerpt fair use from the post he made originally on August 9th but which he has since deleted and posted a few more times.

I add that I live in a beautiful home, not a trash can and reiterate there is no need to use quotation marks in referring to Renato as my husband. We are married.

And in regards to my contributions to Valentino history, I believe anyone sincerely interested in the subject would appreciate my discoveries and not heave them in a trash can. In response to Tracy Terhune I share the following:  

The following is an excerpt from a piece I wrote in 2006 explaining aspects of Affairs Valentino. I could now expand on this obviously, but for the record I share this partial listing from many years ago. 

"Most Valentino biographers previous to Affairs Valentino have relied primarily upon studio-generated, highly-fictionalized articles published in fan magazines of the day. Affairs Valentino differs from other Valentino biographies in that its primary source materials are first hand accounts by participants of the events and court documentation. Affairs Valentino also differs as it presents the first accounts of George Ullman and Frank Mennillo’s influential roles in Valentino’s life and career. In light of the newly-discovered source material referenced in Affairs Valentino, many of the events in Valentino’s life as reported in previous biographies receive a different interpretation. The following is a partial listing of the new and exclusive Affairs Valentino sources:

• Extracts and schedules from the court-ordered Baskerville Audit reviewing Ullman’s estate ledgers and the business accounts of the Rudolph Valentino Production Company.

• The second page of Valentino’s Last Will and Testament designated as “Paragraph Fourth”.

• Valentino’s household ledgers dating from January 1926- August 1926.

• Rudolph Valentino Production Company records.

• Valentino’s contract with United Artists signed on March 20, 1925.

• Business records of Valentino’s corporate alter ego, Cosmic Arts, Inc., including the contract transferring ownership of Valentino’s United Artists’ contract to Cosmic Arts, Inc.

• Copy of Valentino’s distribution contract with United Artists.

• Records of royalties earned from Valentino’s last two films as well as income collected from rental properties and other real estate.

• Valentino’s personal banking and club membership information.

• Itemization of assets and debts at the time of Valentino’s death as well as accounts paid by his estate after his death.

• Valentino’s Probate Court documents and Ullman's Appellate Court case file.

• Listings of all disbursements made by the estate.

• Itemization of Valentino estate worth as submitted to the court by appraisers.

• Listings of his real estate and business holdings.

• Documents revealing Natacha Rambova’s ownership of Valentino’s contracts as majority stockholder of Cosmic Arts, Inc.

• Income reports on earnings from Valentino’s last two films.

• Court testimony regarding two life insurance policies held on Valentino by Joe Schenck and the Cinema Finance Corporation.

• Court transcripts from the settlement of his estate including testimony by the principle participants, i.e. Valentino’s brother, his attorney, his sister and others.

• Documents submitted to the court as exhibits.

Exclusive access and licensing to George Ullman’s 1975 personal memoir.

• Personal letter sent to George Ullman from Valentino’s attending physician at the time of his death, Dr. Howard Meeker explaining the medical details of Valentino’s final days.

• The original managerial contract Ullman signed with Valentino.

• Ullman’s personal correspondence and archive of articles and photographs.

• Frank Mennillo’s personal photographs and archive. 

• Campbell’s Funeral Home invoice and records relating to Valentino’s funeral.

• The private collection of and interviews with collector William Self.

• The archives and photograph collection of Natacha Rambova’s sole biographer, Michael Morris.

• The archives of Valentino biographer, Irving Schulman housed at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. According to university archivist Claude Zachery, the Schulman archive had never been accessed for research purposes.

Partial Listing of Valentino Myths Dispelled in Affairs Valentino

Differentiating specific new aspects of Valentino’s life as contained within Affairs Valentino from those commonly-held to be the truth today.

1) It is asserted Rudolph Valentino came to the U.S. as a poor Italian immigrant. This was originally purported in his ghost-written, rags to riches autobiography first published in Photoplay’s January/February 1923 issue.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*Valentino had a wealthy benefactor from the moment he arrived in New York City to his dying breath. This Italian importer, Frank Mennillo, sponsored his arrival in New York and supported him throughout his life. (He was also a guest of Ernesto Filomarino, his sister-in-law's uncle.)

2) It has been asserted that although both Frank Mennillo and George Ullman were characters in Valentino’s life, neither of them wielded a tremendous influence over him or played a noteworthy role in his life.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true.

* Both men played significant roles in Valentino’s professional and personal life and this has never been addressed in any book or article about Valentino to date.

3) It has been asserted Rudolph Valentino and his brother Alberto were very close and that during Valentino’s final months of life he brought his brother to Los Angeles as solace after his divorce from Natacha Rambova.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

* Valentino fought with his brother and evicted him from his home, Falcon Lair. At the time his brother Alberto left New York to return to Italy, Valentino told George Ullman that he “hoped he would never see the bastard (Alberto) again.”

4) It has been asserted Valentino left his estate divided equally between his two siblings and his ex-wife’s aunt.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

* According to the second page of his will, which has never been made public, he left his estate to his sole heir, his “nephew” Jean.

5) It has been asserted Valentino was an overly-groomed, bookish intellectual.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

* Whenever Valentino was at home he was most often in his garage working on his cars or caring for his horses and dogs. According to George Ullman, he seldom read and Valentino's brother Alberto told Valentino memorabilia collector William Self the only book Rudolph ever read cover to cover was E. M. Hull's The Sheik.

6) It has been asserted Valentino was a weak-willed lounge lizard who was subjected to the whims of his controlling wife.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

* Valentino was an aggressive and involved businessman who ran his own production company and owned and operated several businesses. He was not submissive with his women especially with his wife Natacha. He hired detectives to pursue her and eliminated her from his business the day they separated.

7) It has been asserted Valentino was a cheerful, happy person with a carefree attitude about life.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

* Valentino was prone to prolonged bouts of melancholy and on one occasion he attempted suicide.

8) It has been asserted Rudolph Valentino only drank wine with meals and never consumed hard liquor.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

* At the end of his life he spent thousands of dollars a month on bootleg whiskey. His drinking not only contributed to his early death, but may in fact have caused it.

9) It has been asserted Valentino was outgoing and trusting to a fault.

- According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

* Valentino was paranoid, insisted his personal correspondence be encrypted in ever-changing codes and both he and George Ulllman carried loaded revolvers for their personal protection.

10) It is asserted Valentino lived his life as that of a closeted homosexual and never slept with his wife Natacha.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*There is no basis in fact, and no source exists regarding this assertion and first-hand accounts of his daily life reveal the contrary was true. Valentino did sleep with his wife Natacha as was witnessed by George Ullman and his many affairs with women were also witnessed and are well-documented.

11) It has been asserted Valentino left his homeland of Italy because he wished to begin a new life in America.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

* He left Italy in disgrace and was exiled by angry relatives in the dead of winter. 

12) It has been asserted Valentino and his co-star Mae Murray were just friends

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*They were lovers.

12) It has been asserted Valentino only took up the sport of boxing during his final weeks of life in order to prove his manliness.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

* Both he and George Ullman were avid fans of the sport as well as active participants. He owned a box of eight seats at the American Legion Arena in Los Angeles and attended the boxing matches every Friday night.

13) It has been asserted Valentino was devoted to his career as an actor at the time of his death.

-According to Affairs Valentino this was not completely true. 

* While Valentino was filming his last movie, Son of the Sheik, he confided in George Ullman saying he was tired of acting and playing the Sheik and Great Lover roles. He said he planned to quit acting altogether, try his hand at working behind the camera as a director and move to Spain to study the art of bull-fighting.

Some of the George Ullman Myths Dispelled in Affairs Valentino

Differentiating specific new aspects of George Ullman’s life as contained within Affairs Valentino from those commonly-held to be the truth today.

1) It has been asserted as executor of Valentino’s estate George Ullman embezzled money and mismanaged funds. This falsehood originated in 1930 in the wake of a lawsuit filed against Ullman by Valentino’s brother charging him with fraud and mismanagement of the estate. 

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*It has never been reported that a court-ordered audit found Ullman’s executor’s accounts to be in perfect order nor that he was completely exonerated on all these charges by the California Court of Appeals.

2) It has been asserted George Ullman negotiated a contract for Valentino with United Artists which specifically banned Valentino’s wife Natacha from any role in his future films.

According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*A copy of this contract reveals Natacha Rambova’s name is not mentioned. She was barred specifically from any executive role in Valentino’s films by United Artists’ President Joe Schenck in a memo which he wrote to George.

3) It has been asserted George Ullman was ordered to repay the Valentino estate some $20,000.00 after his tenure as executor.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*It has previously not been reported he was ordered to repay the estate over $100,000.00 plus interest nor reported most of these funds were advances he made in good faith to Valentino’s brother and sister believing they held a future share in Valentino’s estate. When it was discovered they did not hold a legal share, Ullman was ordered to repay this crippling amount of money to the very same people who had already spent the money years before.

4) It has been asserted George Ullman was a wealthy man who chose not to repay the Valentino estate.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*He struggled financially his entire life and declared personal bankruptcy.

5) It has been asserted Ullman retained possession of valuable items which he removed from Valentino’s home after his death which he later sold for a profit.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*Ullman retained some items in his possession which at the time of Valentino’s death held little to no financial value. He kept most of these items for thirty years before giving them as annual birthday gifts to a prominent Valentino collector. At the time he declared personal bankruptcy, an extensive accounting of his personal belongings did not mention these items as having worth. Also most all of his personal archive of documents accumulated during his tenure as Valentino's manager were stolen from his garage.

6) It has been asserted George Ullman controlled Valentino and exercised his will over him.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*Valentino trusted George Ullman implicitly and deferred to him on almost every decision he made. When George first became Valentino’s business manager, he negotiated a profitable contract and sweeping victory for Valentino over Famous-Player’s Paramount, brought order to Valentino’s dire financial situation and launched his return to the movies after a lengthy strike/absence. In this effort Ullman made a fortune for Valentino. Although many people resented his power over Valentino, this was nothing Valentino ever resented.

7) It has been asserted George Ullman took advantage of Valentino’s devotion to him and became a wealthy man in the process.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true.

*Court documents reveal George Ullman received a regular weekly paycheck of $400.00 and after Valentino’s death he received this same amount as compensation for his work as executor.

8) It has been asserted George Ullman caused the Valentino estate’s lengthy legal battle.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*George was financially ruined by the contentious settlement of Valentino’s estate and the lawsuit brought against him by Valentino’s brother. He petitioned the court on some forty occasions requesting that his executor’s records be accepted by the court in order to settle the estate.

9) It has been asserted George Ullman was the cause of Rudolph Valentino’s divorce from Natacha Rambova. 

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*Valentino divorced his wife after his detectives discovered her having an affair with a cameraman. On many critical occasions during the final days of the Valentino marriage, Ullman acted as peace broker in the Valentino household.

10) It has been asserted George Ullman and Natacha Rambova hated each other.

-According to Affairs Valentino this is not true. 

*They collaborated as art director and producer on several of Valentino’s films and after Valentino’s death they wrote kindly of each other in their respective books."

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Cindy Martin downloads my materials from this blog regularly: a picture of Mark Hasselriis, one of Natacha wearing a red shawl and she searched "Norma Niblock". I could go on and on. But there it is, proof her "research" is stealing mine.

Now I do not mind when people enjoy this blog and share materials when they give credit where credit is due. But like a dog howling in the distance, Ms. Martin seeks attention with her distant attempts. Does she not realize that in plagiarizing my work, she validates it? 

Its a sad, plaintive sound that fading, lonely howl. 

Pathos on her part.

Renato and I won the war long ago. Game over. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Fifteen years ago tonight, I met Renato Floris on a frosty night in Turin. I have told our romantic story many times but think in recalling it now it has so much more meaning. From that moment we laid eyes on each other our fate was secured and so was the fate of one Rudolph Valentino. 

I think anyone who knew Renato and I personally knows our story was one of great romance and we loved each other passionately. We waited a lifetime to meet and did not waste a second of our precious time together. 

Together we traveled to France, Germany, Belgium, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain and the Netherlands and lived in the U.S. and Italy. We produced and published fourteen books together and were in a constant excitement over new research and discoveries. I could not begin to do justice to all we accomplished here but suffice to say we worked hard. 

I am grateful, ever grateful for that meeting in Turin long ago because magic happened. Not to be trite about it but say that as fact. 

Love to you my dear Renato on this sacred anniversary. As we celebrated the life of The Great Lover... we lived a great, great love. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

More From Professor Aurelio Miccoli!

Professor Aurelio Miccoli continues with his published narrative and in this installment he shares the account of Rudolph Valentino, his sister Maria and his wife Natacha Rambova's Aunt Tessie's travels long the roads of southern Italy. 

Aurelio Miccoli promises "More to come!" in subsequent installments of this fascinating time in Valentino's life. I am looking forward and thank him for his dedication! Enjoy!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

A New Article by Aurelio Miccoli! fbclid=IwAR335WBfdGQJH1PK1MohrR3XDcp22Ya3aOrFX6iRPMnPlJUCH5H0Hxsi6ZI

Aurelio Miccoli has published a fine and authoritative article on Valentino's return to Castellaneta, profiling Renato Floris' annotated translation of My Private Diary into Italian. I am sure Rudolph Valentino would be pleased that his legacy is so beautifully presented in his mother tongue.

I am grateful to my friend and colleague for his continued research and writing on Valentino. I look forward to more from Professor Miccoli soon!

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Moral Courage

There have been times when I wanted to take this blog offline. Those were painful times when I was under attack from the cultists who submitted malicious comments to me via this blog, all day and night trying to harass me into closing this site. Whenever I mentioned closing it, Renato would argue it should be online as our public defense and response to the obscene attacks we suffered over the many years.

The Valentino death cult's efforts to defame our work and us and saturate our online searches with lies continues with new twists. Now this blog has become a source for their plagiarism. They download our images and posts and share them on the blogs and forums where we are forbidden to join while taking full credit for our work.

Shamelessly impugning us while they pose as us to gain kudos for our work as theirs. The beat goes on. I will not take this blog down and Renato was right. It is a great body of work, not only about Rudolph Valentino and Natacha Rambova but about our truth and our defense. 

Meanwhile the cultists appear to enjoy their days clicking through their various proxy servers to do their trolling and rifling. 

I have been posting my Valentino commentary on my Patreon account and will continue to do so.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Bleat On

 If something is called “mainstream”, imo it describes thought under siege. Whatever the designated mainstream is, you can believe it is a narrative issued by and approved of by a controlling and calculated element. Mainstream is to accept that narrative without question and march along blindly with sheeple who obey and believe whatever is being tossed their way.

Ordinary, orthodox, conventional...” is how the dictionary describes “mainstream”. I do not consider that superior or appealing in any way. “Common, conformist...” the definition goes on and in no way will that ever describe me.

Most often mainstream mentality will never dispute anything challenging the status quo and parrots whatever the controlling authority has to say. Why am I even pondering this? Because I am often taunted with accusations I am not a part of the “Valentino mainstream”. I say thank God for that.

Why would I ever want to be part of a herd of sheep bleating in agreement? Renato and I discovered amazing things about Rudolph Valentino and backed it up with years of documentation and proof. Because our presence and work threatened the authority controlling the “Valentino mainstream”, we were vilified and still are... and I am called a “madwoman”.

Why would I ever want to be part of a mainstream; swept along by blind acceptance, fearful of appearing insubordinate to some tired old orthodoxy? I proudly consider myself far, far outside of that “Valentino mainstream”.

To those of you who attempt feebly to insult me by saying I am not part of the “Valentino mainstream”, I say that is more praise than insult....Bleat on obedient sheep.

As the beat poet Henry Rollins wrote, "Swimming in the main stream, is such a lame, lame dream..." 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Feeling Proud

Despite the irrational opposition Renato and I faced over the years we were researching Rudolph Valentino and sharing our discoveries, I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment and victory today. Our body of work stands proudly and the projects we were working on near completion. 

The mere fact that the haters are still tearing their hair out over our work also stands as testimony to the power of our discoveries. I personally believe we impacted the Valentino legacy in an epic way and made the story of his life infinitely more fascinating. 

It is not so unusual for me to receive a screenshot as proof the haters are attempting to present our work as theirs. It is a disreputable practice but somewhat flattering in a way. If it was all so heinous they would not be downloading the images we shared and doing their best to claim credit for our work. 

I want to thank those of you who follow me as ardent supporters on my social media sites.

Meanwhile join me for my Valentino musings and images on my patreon account where the haters have been foiled: