Sunday, September 29, 2024


 An open letter to Ms. Cindy Martin,

This is my response to your message of a few days ago which you sent to me through the website. I know people would tell me you just want the attention and to ignore you. All true. But I reply because Renato can't and I know he sure would. I will only reply publicly and believe that you just copy- pasted the same piteous message you seem to send our way about once a year.

So I reply.

I have managed to learn a few things about myself. One of them is that I can not tolerate pathos. I am not so bothered seeing, for example, a dead animal out of its misery. But if that animal is wounded and struggling, it is a piteous, pathetic sight.

Pathetically piteous is how I perceive your wounded and struggling message. After all you have done so maliciously to us over all these years, you think we could just toss back some tea together and be friends? On what planet. Am I honestly on your bucket list as you imply? Number twelve maybe.... be Evelyn's e-mail pal? Nope.

Regarding your explanation as to who runs what on the two cult forums that ban the mention of our names, etc.... I actually got it all perfectly correct. Because you are the “ad-minions” of Tracy Terhune, who owns all your asses, always has and always will.

You have not issued public retractions for your gross lies and miserable behavior towards us over the many, many years. The list is so long on those needed retractions, it would take me months to compile them all. Hardly worth the time. Today I will just leave this one here for the record:

And maybe Donna Hill could issue a retraction for being on that thread and saying nothing when that epic lie was told at Michael Morris' expense.