David Bret has been posting at length on - and in doing so he is violating a court order by defaming me, my late husband and Rudolph Valentino's memory. He is posting his tired old lies about Valentino being gay and as one of the most homophobic people on earth he again wields homosexuality as his personal weapon to attack any critic of his worthless books.
He lost a defamation lawsuit I filed against him in Italy but apparently feels safe to carry on using his unforgiveable marketing of homosexuality in the most offensive ways. I would advise those who are unaware of this to realize he and his wife did show up in court to protest my attempts to collect on the damages he owes me.
Within the Valentino community he is a pariah and a sad joke who can not even comment or appear under his own name. He can fantasize all he wants to about Valentino but I will defend the research my husband and I completed over many years of hard work and stand extremely proud of our books as they are the documented truth about Valentino.