Friday, July 19, 2024

On the Censorship of Our Work

The truth is not subjective when supported by documentation and facts. For fourteen years Renato and I shared a treasure trove of documentation to prove facts about the subject of Rudolph Valentino, Natacha Rambova, S. George Ullman, Frank Mennillo, Robert Florey, etc.

But the Valentino “mainstream” as they like to call themselves plugged their ears. And they went even farther to deny the truth be told. (banning even the mention of us on their two Facebook groups, Mad About the Boy and We Never Forget)

They censored, they lied and basically they panicked. In their continued efforts to silence us, we were portrayed as lunatics, criminals who forged documents, dottering senior citizens and described precisely how this hysterical “mainstream” behaved and behaves themselves. Renato and I were anything but. We were working hard every day, sharp as tacks, full of energy and inspired to find honest answers to our many questions... which we did!

Fortunately there are many in the world of Valentino who have questioning minds, who read our books for themselves, checked our citations, listened to our podcasts and learned some truth along the way. To them I say bravo, you are heroes!....again and again.

To those who decided it was not such a big deal and better to suck up to the “mainstreamers”? I say wake up. Your complicity is sad and embarassing. By supporting them, you support their behavior which has been proven by them year after year to be deplorable.

To censor, to shun, to taunt and harass is to bully. This is what they do. They are bullies by definition despite their ridiculous shrieking to the contrary. Their peep, peep, peepings that they are the victims is pathetic. "Mainstreamers"? I call them bullies, censors and liars. 

I assure them no matter how distraught I am now as I grieve the loss of my great love, it will be for him that I will seek and have justice... “Fiat, Justitia Ruat Caelum” ! Below, Renato in 2014 when we visited Matera. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

"To the Order of..."

Another tidbit from Affairs Valentino which took place in the courtroom during the Alberto Guglielmi Valentino v. S. George Ullman hearing. At one point Ullman's lawyer submitted some checks to the judge. He pointed out that these were blank checks signed by Rudolph Valentino and argued that if George Ullman intended to raid the estate bank account, he could have made the check out for any amount. 

The judge refused to enter the checks as evidence by saying George Ullman's integrity was not in question. The testimony regarding this is included in the appeals file and the event was widely covered in the news in Los Angeles on the day it took place. One of those cool looking checks: 


Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Grand Event!

Tomorrow, on the anniversary of the birth of Rudolph Valentino, Valentino scholar Aurelio Miccoli will present Renato's last book in a grand event held in the Valentino Museum in Castellaneta. I am so happy Aurelio Miccoli is representing the book he worked so earnestly on with me to complete after Renato's passing. 

Here is the link to the announcement of the event:

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Sharing Valuable Discoveries & Content

I am sharing the following articles which are all from the French newspaper, Comoedia and which I read in the podcasts Part 1 and Part 2 of "Rudolph Valentino & That French Incident".

They are available to anyone, and I consider these letters so valuable I want them to be a part of the Valentino record and historical legacy. 

The letter written by Jacques Hebertot (below) is included in the article by Andre Tinchant which I read in Part 1 of the podcast. Date of publication was May 31, 1924. 

This (below) is the article by J.L. Croze which includes the complete text written to him as a cablegram from Andre L. Daven. I read this in Part 2. Date of publication was May 29, 1924.

The following is the letter from Andre L. Daven which I read in Part 2. Date of publication was June 20, 1924.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Force

I found this great photo of Renato and wanted to share it because I think it says a great deal about the force that he still is.

Cin. Cin. Renato!