I guess what I have been trying to say in a previous post is that there is no room in the Valentino community, or any community, for mean, cruel people. Life is cruel enough.
I could dispute these people on points until every last cow in the world came home and they would keep on being mean I guess. Because it is not the data involved it is their mean behavior.
George Ullman was and is the great hero of Valentino's story. Rudolph Valentino was not gay or bisexual and Renato and I are honest and kind people. I am not bullying to stand up. No matter how hard they all try to bend those truths otherwise, it will never happen.
When I was little the bullies on the playground were obvious. They were always huddled together as if hatching some plot and collectively sneering jealously over their shoulder at some next victim. They were the sad, disturbed, mean and unloved children who made others suffer.
In this situation, absolutely nothing has changed. The bullies of the Valentino community are obvious, unified and sneering jealously.
The world just does not need one more moment of mean. What is that expression?
“Life is a gift not a war.”
(*the jelly fish are fake)