A well-written comment (below) on the nature of the defamation against me by David Bret; this written by the judge who handed down my victorious verdict. This is one page of the public records on file and this particular document is taken from the verdict. David Bret lost the lawsuit I brought against him because he chose to claim it was fake and that he had not been served. Of course just as most everything Bret has ever said about me... this was all false. He was served and all protocol in Italy and in Great Britain was followed to the letter of the law.
Instead of responding to the lawsuit, he opened various websites and blogs claiming it was a non-existent case. Now that he faces a collection process for the damages awarded to me, he knows better.
I paid a very high price for challenging Bret and for saying I considered his grand design in making Valentino gay nothing but a hoax based on fake sources. I still believe this and believe strongly that no one should force a false sexual identity on anyone for any reason.
The entire verdict, the case as filed in the Court of Asti and the evidence our lawyers submitted may be viewed at www.zumayawinslawsuit.com.
While Bret continues to post against Renato and me... as hosted by Tracy Ryan Terhune, I will be posting more of the verdict here as proof it was a very real case which I won.