It has come to my attention that Eleanor Gribbin of the Terhune-run, Madness About the Boy Facebook group, posted my story of the Pound Party attended by Rudolph Valentino and Natacha Rambova during their Mineralava Tour. She cited the article I sourced for the first time in Affairs Valentino and she gave no credit to me or the book for finding this there. This is not the first time she has attempted to take credit for my work. She and Simon Constable tried to take credit for my discovery of Valentino's cousin Cassio.
But the most offensive aspect of this post she made was her posting of two images of Natacha Rambova which she attributes as “Courtesy of Michael Morris”. Let me say this directly to Ms. Gribbin:
I have legal guardianship of Michael Morris' archive and I would have to be contacted for use of those photos. It is the height of inappropriate professional behavior to act as if Michael Morris gave you any permission to use his images. He did not as he passed away three years ago. I find this a disgusting act and very low indeed.
I discovered the article and the story of the Valentinos appearance in the hospital in Seattle and it is not new as I published this in 2011 in the book you dismiss as, “the writings of a mad woman”. Maybe your direct quote was, “the ravings of a madwoman”... Anyway, apparently you do not consider my writings so “mad” as you have readily stolen my discovery made many years ago in order to gain kudos for yourself as if you just found it today.
Do your own research, stop pretending you are the researcher and do not allege Micheal Morris granted you the courtesy of anything. You may take those images down as I did not give you any permission to reproduce them with his name.
No courtesy intended.