Monday, October 26, 2020

Always the "dei Marquis"

How can some people just straight up lie about Valentino and get away with it? It is a frustrating situation. So many lies bandied about. Such as Tracy Terhune telling someone that Valentino arriving to wealthy benefactors was just “Fabrication”. Well it is not and we discovered this and made that correction in Valentino's story and I would think someone like Terhune would be riveted to learn about Ada Valentino's, Uncle Ernesto Filomarino hosting young Rudolph. This confirms what even Alberto Valentino admitted in an interview; that his brother did not arrive penniless. 

The other day someone told me, “So they stole the court records that would have cleared Ullman.” I replied, “basically...yes.” They then said, “Well then they are liars.” So it is as simple as that bottom line. If those liars were not so invested in being right just to be right, they would eagerly embrace the new documentation such as the account of one of Ernesto Filomarino's employees. (see previous post from September 30, @ Mr. Bianchino)

For today I will just reaffirm: Rudolph Valentino did indeed arrive in America to serious and mature sponsors whose families, friends and employees remember well their sponsorship. This is not a fabrication. Rudolph arrived with a fortune in his pocket and his loving mother did not ship him off to the other side of the earth without first ensuring his safety in the new world. What a gross insult to Gabrielle Barbin Guglielmi to even suggest Rudolph arrived to wander hungry and broke while knowing no one... that did not happen.

Young Valentino was always the "dei Marquis".

Listen to Professor Aurelio Miccoli speak about Valentino's noble lineage here: