Thursday, October 29, 2020

A New Beginning Long Ago

This photograph (below) was taken the day the Ullmans arrived in Los Angeles in 1924. And who would have ever imagined the toddler leaning on his Mama would one day be the person to inspire Affairs Valentino. It was on his, Bob Ullman's insistence... I found those court records which would reveal it all. He had to know the facts about his father's past in regards to Valentino before he died and he did.

Bob Ullman was the great hero in this respect because he rejected all innuendo, all surmise and wanted to see the numbers as proof of his father's performance as Rudolph Valentino's executor. I was honored to have been the person he trusted with the telling of his father's tale and the one who was able to provide him with those court records just weeks before he passed away.

Despite this being a very small snapshot of that happy day for Beatrice and her boys as they said hello to Los Angeles.... I think it says a great deal about the high hopes this family had for their future in California. And Bob's big brother Dan's little briefcase he is carrying is pretty adorable.