Saturday, April 17, 2021


Today someone remarked to me how sad it was the Valentino world was so poisoned. In many respects it is. I have written at length on this blog explaining how I believe this came to be and how the poisoning of Valentino began during his earliest days in Hollywood. The poisoning continued with Alberto's endless ego fest where he lied and lied about how he was some victim who did not get a red cent from his brother's estate. We know now he received a fortune in cash, goods and the ability to exploit his brother's popularity and success forever.

The poisoning continued in the studio's fictional versions of Valentino's life story and this melded with the fiction from Alberto. The poisoning in the Valentino world took a turn for the worse with the lies that George Ullman was a thief, that Natacha was a ruthless bitch and that Valentino was a closeted gay man. It is sad that despite my presenting proof to the contrary, the poisoning remains entrenched on all of this.

The current poisoning in my expert opinion is being done primarily on those two Facebook groups Mad About the Boy and We Never Forget. These are run by Tracy Ryan Terhune and Donna Hill, with the sycophant obedience of Simon Constable, Eleanor Gribbin, Edel Man David Bret and lastly Cindy Martin. All of their poisoning behavior is approved of by the Alberto Valentino family..... at least to date this is the case. 

They all, in my opinion poison, because they edit the truth discovered about Valentino to maintain their version of Valentino, one I believe to be self-serving, fraudulent and in the best of circumstances, highly censored.

It is poison to run hate blogs in the name of Valentino, poison to shun new research, shun the books which are based on the stories of those who lived their lives with Valentino, poison to steal and hide Valentino's court records and poison to bully and attack critics of their poisonous behavior.

It is sad the world of Valentino is poisoned by these few who have convinced many they are upright citizens. I dispute that entirely as upright citizens of any world do not conspire to ruin people, do not throw research/progress in the trash and do not desperately block any avenue for the truth to come out.

Poison is the word... which I looked up for a bit of insight. The chemical definition refers to a substance which reduces the activity of a catalyst. Boy, is that the case in the Valentino world.

The anecdote? Some glorious detoxification. Just as the world wakes from its long and horrible poisoning... I would hope something like that could happen in the Valentino world.

I think it is and am happy to say.... I am optimistic.
