Friday, April 9, 2021

Rudolph Valentino & The Kit Kat Bars

Throughout the eleven solid years Edel Man David Bret has been torturing me online... from his endless sexually depraved posts about my father, from his calling me a homophobe, a coke head, a fat lezzy, etc. to his endless encouragement for me to kill myself, be killed, be poisoned, run over by a truck, murdered, etc. there has been one common theme with which he has done his best to program his terror in my mind... this would be the image of the Kit Kat bar.

It all began when he wrote a poem about me in which he wrote some really invasive sexual scenarios and one involved a crass joke about the, “ fingers of a Kit Kat bar”.

Then... I stupidly responded by saying publicly that this Kit Kat poem was the worst thing Bret had slapped at me to date. From that day forward he began to post images of Kit Kat bars with almost every post.

I will admit the sight of that candy bar over the years triggered me but now perhaps its time to serve up some sweet sweet karma.

The Kit Kat bar is now the symbol of my strength and a monument to my surviving Edel Man David Bret, Joey Jenkinson, Mrs. Trellis, Albert Morris, Alberto Morris, Derek Alexander & Co.

When I see the image of a Kit Kat bar now, I feel invincible because the sight of that candy bar he so used to make me suffer... is now a glorious icon of his abuse and my very survival...

I hope you all can appreciate the irony in that sick poem Edel Man Bret wrote to make me miserable lo those many years ago... because today when I post the image of the candy bar Kit Kat, it means victory and survival.... when he posts it... it is cruel beyond measure and a sign of just who he is. For me it represents my mental survival and health and for that I take life's standing ovation... for him to post it will just prove me right.

Victory Rising.