Tuesday, October 4, 2022

..."et non Andre Daven"... and not Andre Daven

I share the definitive documentation regarding the identification of Rene Clair (see previous post). Although it has been mistakenly labeled as being a photo of Andre Daven in Deauville, this is false. It is left to right: Rolph de Mare, Valentino and Rene Clair... both men who were in Deauville with the Valentinos.  

Regarding the fact that this person on Valentino's left is René Clair; this has been verified by the Iconographic section of the Cinémathèque Française. (see e-mail below)

This (above) is the response to Renato's request for clarification on the identity of the person at Rudolph Valentino's left. The curator of the image sector replied with the following message:

Bonjour Renato,

Après vérification des différents portraits que nous avons de René Clair nous vous confirmons que c’est bien lui qui est sur la photo et non André Daven.

En espérant avoir répondu à votre demande…

Restant à votre disposition,

Bien cordialement,



(English translation of the verification e-mail)

Hello Renato,

After checking the different portraits we have of René Clair, we confirm that it is him who is in the photo and not André Daven.

Hoping to have answered your request ...

Remaining at your disposal,

Best regards,
