Recently, Tracy Terhune hazarded an appearance on his Facebook group to advertise another relic from his Valentino collection: Rudolph Valentino's United Artists' contract. I endeavored to see that original contract throughout the entire year I interviewed collector Bill Self (2003). Every visit, he told me some thing or another. He could not find it, would get some box out of storage but in the end....before Jeanine Villalobos told him he could no longer speak to me... he refused to let me see that very original Terhune was waving about. How satisfying it was for me to find a copy of the entire UA contract included in the Appeals Court case of S. George Ullman which I discovered in 2003.
I published the entire UA contract in the Affairs Valentino Companion Guide and presented information about it in Affairs Valentino. Since Terhune has just spent the past decade of his life trying to bury Affairs Valentino, (and all our books), silence our voices, demean us and our work... in this malicious effort he has also done his level best to bury our work on, and presentation of, the UA Contract.
For years Terhune has openly mocked, bullied and sadistically lied about us and our work and for years Constable has worked in tangent, feverishly working to undo our discoveries in some forced/crazed effort. Terhune as “The Censor”, patrolling his iron curtain he has personally installed against all our work, while “The Executioner”, Constable, pillages decent people's honorable reputations with smarmy and thinly-constructed innuendo.
So it might impress some people to see Terhune's unveiling of that peek at the original UA contract and the subsequent chit chat with Constable....but it infuriated/disgusted me. I am glad we published the entire UA Contract in the Affairs Valentino Companion Guide and I hope it will be shared everywhere. In this way everyone can hold Terhune accountable for at least the content... as the copy I retrieved was legally transcribed and filed with the California Court of Appeals.