I apologize for my absence the past day or so; extenuating circumstances. But Renato is doing some deep fact checking on Dark Lover which I will be posting here. David Bret enjoys accusing me of "hating" the book. I would not go that far but I think a good vetting is long overdue.
I have previously written how Michael Morris was upset his book was not included in Leider's bibliography. And Bill Self told me he could not finish reading the book because it was "the same old thing" and he did not like the title.
"They" beat me over the head with Dark Lover when I knew the actual story she entirely missed about the man. And I also was surprised she relied on endless movie magazine fodder and My Private Diary. I found so many factual errors which are forgivable to me because they are in all books.
What I did not find forgivable was her pandering on the "bisexuality is always an option", etc. Based on nothing but innuendo and David Bret's tired old fantasies.
So stay tuned.