Thursday, August 12, 2021

Renato Floris Wonders Why

 From Renato Floris:

"I wonder what war Tracy Ryan Terhune is fighting with his operatives and why!

I clarify that statement. Everything stems from the fact that Evelyn, now many, too many years ago, discovered important documentation which revolutionized everything said and confirmed about Rudolph Valentino. For this reason she was banned, mocked, insulted, defamed, terrified and boycotted with a perfidy and cruelty of the highest level.

Then add to that, the fact that she, having received a request from a university, researched the sexuality of Rudolph Valentino. The research was done with adamant honesty and, as a result, she discovered that no single piece of evidence exists proving Valentino was homosexual. She found and reported that this was nothing more than an invention of pseudo authors who propagated, without a fragment of proof, the legend of Valentino as a promiscuous homosexual.

The "normal" reaction of an author, endowed with intellectual honesty, would have been to provide certain proof of what he claims on this subject. But since there is no proof, one of these authors, of the lowest moral and intellectual value, has instead spit poison and defamation our way.

Even today he delights in veiled hints of ridicule and offensiveness as he cannot name the people he scoffs.

Now, Tracy Ryan Terhune has decided to fight his war against Evelyn and also against me, beyond all logic. His actions against us do nothing but feed the excesses of some people who have nothing else to do but propagate further reasons for disagreement. Since he has no serious arguments to propose, he resorts to using defamatory and ridiculous means to defend the indefensible.

In a few days the trite and coy farce will take place a few meters from Valentino's last home. The officiant, Tracy Terhune, in my opinion, has turned what was an honest celebration into a self-celebration of his position as being a collector of Valentinian relics. I only say to Terhune:

You can own everything that belonged to Rudolph Valentino but you will never, ever be able to own his true story, which you attempt to cover up like cats burying their dirt in sand. I have done and will do everything until my last day to defend our integrity and the intellectual honesty of our research and work."