Thursday, August 12, 2021

I Do What I Can

I write the truth about what happens to us at the hands of these people and it is somehow surprising and appalling. I did not create the situation and it began long ago and pretty much from the moment I discovered the Ullmans and his archive.

How very hard Renato and I have had to work to have anything in print, to have the spirit to carry on with the work at hand. How discouraging it has been to learn so many people believe what these people post everywhere online. And it is a difficult thing to have the garbage they post about us and our books removed.

It is not a small thing.

There is much more than meets the eye on their activities which I am not at liberty to divulge. Believe me it is very much a problem.

I first published Affairs Valentino in 2011, they had pretty much destroyed it a year prior. But I went ahead anyway. They had it removed from sale on Amazon. Renato found a way to publish it himself.

Still the information I included in the book is new to most people. After a decade. As I stated in a comment I left, they have every right to an opinion and can hate us and all our work. But they can not stand outside the door, i.e. the internet and yell everywhere, “Fraud! Forger! Fiction!” while they position themselves as ultimate personalities in the Valentino World.

And they can not run a blog under our book's title which has been since day one a vicious and very ugly greeting for many people googling our names and the books. Until that blog is gone I will expose it and them.

I realize they are upset because according to them I am supposed to be silent and take it day after day. A bully always accuses their victim of bullying if they stand up to the abuse. I am not wasting my time and wish I had more energy to devote to this deplorable situation. I do what I can.