Saturday, August 14, 2021

A Notable Date

Today is a notable date in Valentino history as it is both the date of the death of Valentino's sister Bice and Jean Valentino's recorded birth date. In light of the story which unfolded, I do not believe Jean's birth date was an incredible coincidence but a date decided upon by Valentino's mother Gabrielle.

And contrary to the smut peddler Bret's insistence on smearing all of these people, Valentino did not have an affair with his sister-in-law. Alberto rose to the occasion and in this he heroically acted to save the family and the lady's reputation. And she lived long enough to be healthy and cured and live a long life as Alberto's wife. I have nothing but respect for all of them as to how they handled this situation.

As Renato wrote in The Case Files, the subject of Ada haunted us for years because of a question Ms. Villalobos posed to Michael Morris. Because this is now public I share one of Michael's e-mails with me on the subject which was written long before it made any sense. (see below)

I want to thank everyone for reading and sending in such insightful and intelligent comments. I will be taking a hiatus from the blog for a while as life presents its challenges. I think I have loaded this blog with enough content to inspire some thoughts and discussions. I will not close the blog as I learned that lesson many years ago and will post as I can.