Sunday, December 29, 2024
Friday, December 27, 2024
Monday, December 23, 2024
Buon Natale From Aurelio Miccoli!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a new article from Aurelio Miccoli!
Buon Natale, Felice Anno Nuova!
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Regarding the "Handful of Depraved Friends"
I never began researching Valentino as an “obsessed fan” as I am called by the “team”. As I have said before, I began to write about the feminist aspects of the movie The Sheik and it all evolved from there. Not being a person prone to indulge in frivolous fantasy and movie star worship, I forged forward looking for proof and asking questions. The people I was asking knew perfectly well I was sincere in my research and they knew the answers to my questions. But instead of giving me those honest answers they closed rank and began to spread lies about me.
They allied in an open effort to discourage, isolate and defame me and called themselves “the team”. When I asked respectfully to interview the Alberto Valentino family, I was refused due to "the personal nature of their documentation." To me this was a revelation that their documentation should not be disclosed for some reason.
I have been compiling a chronology of the “team's” efforts to silence me beginning in 2010, but long before that... seven years to be exact, they were already at it. While I was working with Bob Ullman in 2003 to understand exactly what happened according to the court records, the “team” was already spreading rumors I forged those documents, that I was writing "pure fiction".
Why is the Alberto Valentino family so accepting of the collectors' false narrative and their horrible behavior? Why are they not outraged at the Hall of Records for losing their relatives documents and furious with people claiming I forged the missing court records? Why are they not speaking out against the "team”? Maybe best to ask them.
This afternoon someone sent me a comment for this blog asking if I could address why I do not like the "Valentino Studies Community". First and foremost because no such thing exists. They are just the “team” under a new and ludicrous title. Maybe they could also use, “Cult of the Relic” or “Sadistic Bullies”... makes no difference because they are the same people.
When Father Michael Morris was being deeply defamed online by the “team”, he wrote me the following (see below).
"I will say honestly that those comments and their silly new attempt at rebranding their bullying... becomes increasingly boring because brainwashed folks who worship relics get dull quickly." (From an e-mail sent to me by Michael Morris on October 22, 2015)
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Renato Floris Writes
* I recently found the following brilliant commentary and do not think it has been shared. This was written by Renato Floris sometime around 2018. Renato writes:
"The Politically Correct Weapon.
Admitting that I care very little about the sexuality of others, I will for the record clarify my position on Rudolph Valentino's sexuality.
I state that my position is not governed by prejudices of any kind. For many years, I worked in the world of entertainment and yes, ever since as an adolescent in 1958, when I tiptoed into that world. On my contract, "Child actor" was written and that qualification is what Tracy Ryan Terhune and David Bret find so laughable. Perhaps their reaction is due to the fact that their adolescences consisted of deadly boredom and as we know, envy is always the worst motive.
Well in the entertainment world, it is rare for someone to feel they ever needed to hide their sexual orientation and this is a positive thing when one realizes the many areas where such freedom is not allowed or accepted.
In my years in the entertainment world, (going on to act professionally in theater and then work in video and television) I have had many friends with sexual orientations different from mine. This fact never influenced or invalidated our friendships. I confess that many times I declined sexual advances which were not homogeneous with my sexuality but this never generated conflict.
In my many years of analyzing the character of Rudolph Valentino, I have been able to form an image of who he was which I consider quite precise and reliable; therefore I want to share my thoughts on this.
Let's jump to that fateful February 26, 2009, when Evelyn, invited by the University of Turin, delivered her lecture on Rodolfo Valentino's sexuality.
Evelyn, as an excellent researcher of historical "cold cases", found that there is no direct evidence of a homosexual or bisexual Valentino, a theory purported by Valentino biographer Emily Leider. From Evelyn's research, it was revealed that some self-appointed Valentino biographers contributed their fantasies to create the most beautiful man, Valentino.. into a gay icon, certainly a fate denied to Danny de Vito, Fernandel, Luis Guzmán, Marty Feldman or Clint Howard, just to name a few.
Valentino's beauty and charm are the number one reasons he was promoted to gay icon.
And this without taking into account the personal history of Rudy Valentino who, at the "venerable" age of 15 years, tells a friend how he likes to have fun with female artists of the variety shows and street prostitutes... he had so much fun with them he contracted a venereal disease. It is not known if it was gonorrhea or syphilis but this is of little importance.
It seems to me that a fifteen-year-old boy fascinated by those charming and available girls, professional or not, doesn't have enough credential to become a gay icon.
And today as I was writing this, something happened to me.. a paper appeared as if fallen from heaven. Perhaps it was sent to me by the spirit of Rudy asking for ransom? It was a print out of a post dated October 29, 2003 by Emily Leider, where she states that Valentino was not "incapable of being bisexual"... This is truly what we Italians refer to as a “Jesuit” statement...double talk.
Ms. Leider writes verbatim: “I realize that I am not likely to persuade anyone who believes that Valentino was incapable of bisexuality to my point of view but my conviction that he (VALENTINO) had a relationship with André Daven is based on more than they shared fishing trip. Jacques Hébertot's letters and telegrams to Valentino are a prime source. Another indication that Daven had homosexual relationships comes from a book on the Swedish Ballet which mentions Daven's relationship (after he had ceased to be close to Valentino) with Rolf de Maré who was openly gay.”
So following her logic, anyone with a working relationship with a gay person must be gay by default? This is really a prejudice of a disheartening banality.
Jacques Hébertot who, among other things, personally declared to Jeanne De Recqueville that Valentino was not gay, which Robert Florey confirmed. Leider also develops a bold theory by writing that Daven, after having ceased his "relationship" with Valentino, and we now know the actual reason for that, had an emotional relationship with Rolf de Maré who was openly gay. Madame Leider ignores the fact Daven was an employee of de Maré as he partially took over from Hébertot in the managment of the Theatre des Champes Elysées.
Rolf de Maré was a Swedish entrepreneur and art collector who in 1920 founded, in Paris, with his life partner the Swedish dancer and actor Jean Börlin, the Ballets Suédois at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées. De Maré and Börlin had a great and lasting relationship without the need for Daven's intrusions.
That André Daven who, in those same years, had an intense relationship with Yvonne Legeay which was followed by the great love of his life, Daniela Parola who he took as a wife and stayed with her until separated by death. I kindly invite Ms. Leider to review her claims, and if she can give me clear proof and documentation that she is right, I will accept her theory.
Now given that Evelyn was unaware of what David Bret's response would be to her examination of his undocumented tall tale boasting Valentino's homosexuality.. and she was unconscious as to what his reaction would be to her proving his anecdotes were only "witty inventions".
The result for her has been and is more than ten years of continuous attack by David Bret who, taking advantage of the climate of "politically correct" response to the very subject of homophobia, portrayed Evelyn everywhere as a liar and flawed homophobic and he did so by invoking political correctness. This was and is an unspeakable crime.
To this we must add that Evelyn was accused of unfair play by David Bret and Cindy Martin who pretend that an author can not criticize a fellow author... This despite the fact Bret was precisely doing this and still is in a terrible way to Evelyn. I think it should be a respectful exchange of fair play between honest authors but this would require a degree of intellectual correctness.
Evelyn has and has always had intellectual honestly while those who preach a gay Valentino, with no documentation...demonstrate very little of that honesty.
In closing; if I declare Pope Francis is not muslim this doesn't mean I'm islamophobic. I simply state that the Pope is not muslim and that's all... but this is exacty what happened to Evelyn when she said there is no evidence Valentino was homosexual which does not mean she's homophobic.
Political correctness is an important achievement of our culture but it can become a weapon, a double-edged sword if used in a way misrepresenting the reality of the facts, therefore we must pay a lot of attention when some people misuse political correctness in targeting a scapegoat.
Think people think and I wish a happy intellectual honesty to y'all!"
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Monday, October 28, 2024
Friday, October 25, 2024
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
The Will
It appears "Pasionaria" (read Renato's October 7th post "Regarding the Truth") is about to become an expert on Valentino's will and the estate settlement. A load of material has been downloaded from this blog on the subject and by them. I am always happy when the truth is spread but Pasionaria is known for taking full credit for my discoveries.
Might I advise they get the story right this time and not sell it to a readership who could not imagine anyone could be so brazen. So take it easy Pasionaria, share my material and give credit where credit is due.
I discovered the court records, while Pasionaria told the world I forged them all. I unraveled the documents and found the only publicly available copy of Rudolph Valentino's contract with United Artists. Just a reminder as Pasionaria claimed she did.
The same people who just spent a decade in the grips of a campaign to ruin me, my late husband Renato and all our books are now posting our discoveries as their own. Reader beware.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
A New Article by Aurelio Miccoli!
Condivido un interessante articolo sulla madre di Valentino scritto dal professor Aurelio Miccoli. (published on
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Regarding the Truth About Our Integrity and Professionalism by Renato Floris
* I came across this piece written by Renato and I do not think it was ever published. Renato writes:
“I commend Evelyn for how she is able to face, quite stoically, the daily insults and bullying attacks attempting to force her to close her blog.
A blog where she deals with the topic of “Rudolph Valentino's life” in a scientific way. There she shares her methods which are typical of serious researchers and a thousand miles away from the false truths about the subject of Valentino. Those false truths which have been legitimized, deprived of any logic and without even the slightest intellectual honesty and actual documented evidence.
Intellectual honesty always guides us in our work as it does for all sincere and honest researchers.
The arguments used by those who want us and our work dead and buried, silenced forever, are evidence of their dreamed goal.
But we do not give up so easily and I can also say that if there had not been all these attacks, for years, we might be devoting our time to other research. Their miserable arrogance forced us to continue to work with the seriousness which distinguishes us and on an interesting and truly complex character to which we are not emotionally linked.
Emotions and prejudices are the enemies of any serious search for truth.
The first argument used against us is that we are deceivers. This is because as their last resort, in the face of exceptional documentation... we are branded to be counterfeiters or pushers of false truths and all our documents are branded to be "by default" false and created by us.
There is also a “Pasionaria” who acts as if she were a forensic technician. She pathetically tries to demonstrate that the documents we present are our masterful inventions which she can prove false.
I would advise that lady to devote herself to more useful activities and not let herself be guided only by envy. I know she would like to be Evelyn, but I'm sorry this is a mission impossible because that position is already occupied.
Last but not least, I also remind the "Pasionaria" that insults are not opinions.
The primary weapon used to keep people interested in Valentino's life away from us, is to possess and exhibit Valentino relics. Owning these relics entitles the owner to utter any nonsense. Owning relics does not mean you own or even know the history. All this reminds me of the perfidious practices of the early colonizers who waved colored necklaces and shining trinkets about to steal the good faith of the naive honest natives.
Lastly, I share my clarification that in the famous photograph, taken in Deauville which we used as the image for our most recent podcast, the gentleman to Valentino's left is not André Daven but René Clair. It doesn't take a lot of science to figure out Rene Clair isn't Daven.
I wanted the legitimacy of my discovery to be verified professionally and I asked the highest French authority in cinema for their affirmation this was Rene Clair. I contacted the curator of the iconography section of the Cinémathèque Française, who, without ifs, ands or buts, confirmed the validity of my discovery. .
I am very sorry for these people's provocations as they reject the obvious, because their obstinacy prevents them from learning something new about Rudolph Valentino.
Less bullying and more healthy intellectual honesty.”
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Standing Up
There are heroes and villains in everyone's lives and in my life they are clearly defined. When someone commits villainy at my expense, I seldom/never allow them to inch the tiniest measure towards hero. I am a Cancerian and am by nature unforgiving.
If someone hurts me, or attempts to, I forget them and try to have nothing more to do with them. I share this as explanation to one Cindy Martin because I want her to know I will never open her email response to my post of last week. She sought me out through my website and I replied. It's done.
I am not engaging in a conversation with any villains in my life, which she sure is. So not opening it and not replying. I will know if she made amends.
I prefer to spend my time with heroes, family and friends and I will always defend them, and myself, from villains.
It's called standing up.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
An open letter to Ms. Cindy Martin,
This is my response to your message of a few days ago which you sent to me through the website. I know people would tell me you just want the attention and to ignore you. All true. But I reply because Renato can't and I know he sure would. I will only reply publicly and believe that you just copy- pasted the same piteous message you seem to send our way about once a year.
So I reply.
I have managed to learn a few things about myself. One of them is that I can not tolerate pathos. I am not so bothered seeing, for example, a dead animal out of its misery. But if that animal is wounded and struggling, it is a piteous, pathetic sight.
Pathetically piteous is how I perceive your wounded and struggling message. After all you have done so maliciously to us over all these years, you think we could just toss back some tea together and be friends? On what planet. Am I honestly on your bucket list as you imply? Number twelve maybe.... be Evelyn's e-mail pal? Nope.
Regarding your explanation as to who runs what on the two cult forums that ban the mention of our names, etc.... I actually got it all perfectly correct. Because you are the “ad-minions” of Tracy Terhune, who owns all your asses, always has and always will.
You have not issued public retractions for your gross lies and miserable behavior towards us over the many, many years. The list is so long on those needed retractions, it would take me months to compile them all. Hardly worth the time. Today I will just leave this one here for the record:
And maybe Donna Hill could issue a retraction for being on that thread and saying nothing when that epic lie was told at Michael Morris' expense.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
"Somewhat Hidden in his Tiny Office..." Reposted
In The True Rudolph Valentino by Baltasar Cue, he includes an article titled, “My Last Visit with Rudolph Valentino” which I excerpt.
“It was on the eve of Valentino's last trip from Los Angeles to New York, when I surprised him, somewhat hidden, in his tiny office attached to the rich library of his brand new mansion, Falcon Lair; perched high above the populated city of Beverly Hills. He was writing a love letter by hand and I could not help noticing it began with the eternal words, "My love," in English. It was not inscribed to his beloved Pola Negri. Was, then, the 'Sheik', in the disposition which most characterized him, in life as well as on screen?”
...on p. 149, Cue writes:
“Pola Negri entered her boyfriend's office that day and saw on his desk the letter which began with the eternal words "My love," as it was addressed to another woman. She did not pluck a single hair from the Italian actor's head! She remained as calm as if the epistle was something required as a prop for some movie.
Did she know it had a different significance, that it was destined for a real person and that Valentino was not working for any movie at the time? Probably, Pola could not conceive that Rudolph could love another woman and this was the reason for her unheardof trust.
Once, when she visited the studio where the movie The Son of the Sheik was being completed, she arrived just at the time when Valentino and Vilma Banky were engaged in an enviously tight and long-lasting kiss. Those around Pola at the time watched to see her reaction to such a situation. Very calmly and with a broad smile showing her confident happiness, the Polish actress told them, "He kisses Vilma, but he thinks of me.”
I guess the love letter could have been written to a number of women, but it makes me wonder who. Did the reconciliation with Natacha begin sooner, was this a secret lover who was never known publicly? Who was the lady and did she receive her love letter. And more to the point, where is that letter today?
The events in Falcon Lair before Valentino left for New York on his final trip east, as witnessed by Baltasar Cue make his account unique. Baltasar Cue's reputation as a respected journalist opened some doors for him as far as interviews and in the case of Valentino; an autobiography. Cue was not a gossip columnist, not a reporter rushing about trying to get some scoop. He was distinguished, hard working, sought after and talented.
Friday, September 20, 2024
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
On Being Uncommonly Nonconformist
If something, or someone is referred to as, “mainstream”, imo this describes thought under siege. Whatever the designated mainstream is, you can believe it is a narrative issued by and approved of by a controlling authority. "Mainstream" is to accept that narrative without question and march along blindly with sheeple who obey and believe whatever propaganda is tossed their way.
“Ordinary, orthodox, conventional...” is how the dictionary describes “mainstream”. I do not consider that superior or appealing in any way. “Common, conformist...” the definition goes on and in no way will that ever describe me.
Most often a mainstream mentality will never dispute anything challenging the status quo and instead parrot whatever the controlling authority has to say. Why am I even pondering this? Because I am often taunted with accusations I am not a part of the “Valentino mainstream”. I say thank God for that.
Why would I ever want to be part of a mainstream; swept along by blind acceptance, fearful of appearing insubordinate by questioning a tired old orthodoxy? I proudly consider myself far, far outside of that, “Valentino mainstream”.
To those of you who attempt feebly to insult Renato's memory and our work by saying we are not part of the “Valentino mainstream”, I say that is more praise than thank you. Because this was the result...
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
A Word From Renato Reposted From August 16, 2022
"Nobody's perfect.
I confess here Evelyn and myself have three serious flaws, which I list below:
The first is that we don't know how to lie. I'm sure being able to lie is an indispensable gift these days for some in the world which revolves around Rudolph Valentino. But I am not sorry that we do not know how.
The second is that we do not know how to construct fakes of any kind. What we communicate to the world is only and uniquely the result of our research on the truth about Rudolph Valentino and all the documents we present are only genuine testimonies. Not sorry for that!
The third is that we do not know how to hate. We do know how to feel compassion for those who continually denigrate us and attack us because we are an easy target, too easy even if we defend ourselves with our intellectual honesty.
Our compassion for our opponents is enormous and we pity them because they deny what we discover. In this they do nothing but root themselves once more and deeper in their ignorance. Very sorry for that.
I guess we will not be able to achieve the peaks of hate, lying and constructing fakes of those who, without rest, attack us."
Monday, September 9, 2024
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Rambova's "Egyptian Woman"
In 2017 we published Michael Morris posthumous book, Beyond Valentino – A Madam Valentino Addendum. In the course of my completing his work, it was necessary for me to secure many copyright permissions for images. I contacted the Roerich Foundation in New York in this regard and they were extremely helpful and even contributed additional images for our use. They also put me in touch with the Roerich expert in Moscow, Dr. Vladimir Rosov.
Dr. Rosov is writing a biography of Svetoslav Roerich and plans to include a chapter on Svetoslav's engagement to Natacha Rambova. Michael Morris knew about this three year engagement but did not include it in Madam Valentino on the request of the Roerich Foundation. This was something he sorely regretted.
In 2009, Michael Morris seized the opportunity while delivering his speech at the Convegno Valentino in Turin to amend this issue. He explained why he did not include this in Madam Valentino and how it was his belief Svetoslav Roerich was Natacha Rambova's “great love.”
Dr. Rosov verified the three year engagement and also informed me he had two other portraits painted by Svetoslav of Rambova. He was not ready to share these as I believe he will make them exclusive to his book. He did however share the rare colored sketch by Rambova of “The Egyptian Woman” (see below).
Although dated 1921... this design was the inspiration for an iconic scene in Valentino's movie, Cobra...the scene where the little statue comes to life. This incredible little watercolor had never been published before until we included it in Beyond Valentino.
Curiously Dr. Rosov once interviewed Michael Morris and this entire interview is included in the book. We had the article translated from the Russian and will no doubt do the same with the chapter Dr. Rosov includes in his book on the Svetoslav and Rambova love affair.
“The Egyptian Woman”. Courtesy of Dr. Vladimir Rosov
Friday, August 23, 2024
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Hope to See You There
Every year about this time I sense the coming of the religiously tinged morbidity which will take place in Valentino's crypt marking the moment of the great star's death, which took place in 1926. During this event the magus of the Valentino death cult stands at his pulpit, checks his microphone and Facebook feed and basks in the glory he paid hard cash for over the years by buying all the Valentino relics he could get his hands on.
This year I am especially focused on that “annual service”, “fine Hollywood tradition”, or “death fest” as some call it. No doubt my extra focus is because my beloved Renato passed away and was/is treated so outrageously poorly by that magus.
Over the past couple of decades Renato and I researched the life of Rudolph Valentino to great discovery success. And every year as the magus lives out his greatest fantasy as Valentino high priest, etc., my focus seems to grow. This is why.
Why does that man still carry on as he does? For as holy as he believes himself to be, the true proof is presented in the years of screenshots which clearly lay out the wickedness that rained down on Renato and I from this man.
But here is the thing about this year. I am very busy these days and barely have time to listen for the Magus' faint echo wafting from the graveyard. The king of gaslighting that he is, will make it possible for him to believe in his importance and innocence there. Because despite his zeal to ruin us and our business lo these many years, he fancies himself a good person.
But here is another thing about this year. I am visiting in the neighborhood of that graveyard. It is August and Renato and I always visit family in Los Angeles who happen to live reasonably close to that crypt. I am keeping up our tradition by seeing the family and think this just might be the long awaited year that I, as the widow Evelyn, toddle through the graves to listen to the person I consider to be the biggest hypocrite in the world go peep, peep, peep.
Maybe I will wear black and carry some red roses. A veil would be useful. I probably won't because unlike the gaslighting king standing at the pulpit, I do not revel in morbidity.
Here but a very few of the bullying images he has posted in our honor on that blog he runs under my book's title, Affairs Valentino.
This is who he really is:
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Friday, August 16, 2024
Nailed It (A Repost from 12/7/22)
Why did Tracy Ryan Terhune spend all these years lying about me, my husband Renato and why did he fear Affairs Valentino so very much he would work so hard and for so long to try to wipe every copy off the face of the earth?
Because I nailed it, that's why. I have since, lo these last ten years evolved some of the research details in the book. But the basic premises never changed, i.e.,
S. George Ullman was the hero in the story of Rudolph Valentino and an honest man.
He was wrongly maligned all these years and the story skewed purposely.
Natacha Rambova was the best thing to ever happen to Rudolph Valentino, and not the “worst” as Terhune likes to fantasize.
Rudolph Valentino had sex with women from the time he began visiting the brothels in Taranto and can not be worshipped as a gay icon...despite the million and one fictional gay lovers invented by Bret.
I could go on and on with the changes made in the Valentino story in Affairs Valentino...changes which were documented to publicly archived documents.
How Terhune has tried to kill the messengers with mockery, straight up lies... and again for the record, I have never altered or created a document and my thoroughly documented book is not as Terhune parrots year after year, “fan girl fiction”. Nice try.
And contrary to his vision of Renato and I sitting in some rocking chair sipping “Ensure” as he wrote, we are honest and hard working despite the harassment.
Terhune's fear of the truths we have brought forth is palpable and even as I write this on December 7, 2022, he is still mired in anguish about us, shunning us, spreading those lies and forbidding any positive mention of us on his Facebook forums and social media accounts.
How different things would have been all around if he had welcomed us and been thrilled to learn new things about his favorite subject. How different it would be now if he called off his faithful junk yard dogs....who endlessly compete for a little bone of favor to be tossed their way from the master.
The Cult of the Relics is how I refer to it these days. More about that real soon.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
High Integrity
How dear is this photo (below) to me. To think I was so privileged to have known and worked with that little boy on Rudy's lap. To think he would be the one to push me to find the court records and the one who analyzed them so meticulously. Robert Warren Ullman was an entertaining and interesting man. He was proud of his military service, proud of his success as a tennis pro, and proud of his many years as a mortgage banker.
He did not like anything Hollywood because of what it did to his father. He made a point of saying that. He had read all the Rudy bios and had to know the truth about his father. When I met Bob they told me he had two months to live. But he lived two more years and long enough to read the final chapter of Affairs Valentino two weeks before his passing. I spoke at his memorial service.
Bob loved orchids which filled his home's beautiful patio. He was a no nonsense man, a stickler for details which I guess is what would make someone a good banker.
I have my Bob Ullman memories.
One: After his first read of the court records (all 1000 pages) he said, "Who were these judges?" And he commented on Alberto's suing his Dad as, "a hyena biting the hand that was feeding him". Those two comments stuck in my mind.
Two: He used the tiniest font in his e-mails that I have even seen any one use. His last e-mail to me, in tiny letters read, "Better get down here sooner than later."
I say in tribute to the beautiful little toddler in the photo below...on that magical day sitting on Uncle Rudy's lap... I thank you for your magnificent contributions to the Valentino history. Uncle Rudy would be proud.
*I had to add Bunny to this "High Integrity" post. She had not read all the Valentino bios, but her mother lived with her for the last years of her life and she heard all the stories.
Monday, July 29, 2024
Every Saturday Morning
A few days ago, we had to hear one more time the idiocy that Natacha Rambova “ruined” Valentino's career, left him in tatters, and how he barely managed to survive her, etc. etc. I have written about this before but offer here some food for thought. I doubt it will jar her hater's convictions because brain washing is a tough thing to turn about.
Nevertheless, if the comparison is made between Rudolph's career and earning power when he met Natacha and when they parted ways.... it is stunning evidence of her powerful and extremely beneficial influence on her love.
Despite his success and emergence in 1921, he was not being paid well and there was the issue of the request for that fifty dollar a week raise from Metro. He was paid not so much more to film The Sheik. But Natacha came into his life and contributed/demanded a higher level of respect/pay for Rudolph and those who worked with them commented on her influence in a positive light. Here, Joseph Henabery comments after he worked on Sainted Devil and Cobra with Natacha:
“Mrs. Valentino became a major factor in Rudy's success. She was a smart woman and had good ideas of what was suitable for him. Some late-day writers have indicated she had too much influence. I am sure she incited him to rebel. Still, but for her influence, he would have suffered poor stories, low budgets – and ended up discarded and forgotten. It's because of Mrs. Valentino's foresight, determination, and intelligence that today he is remembered as a great star. She had her faults, but fewer than stated by those who disliked her because they had to submit to her demands. By sniping and, as they say in boxing waiting for openings, they tried to cut her down to size.”
George Ullman recounted her influence as follows:
“And it is only fair to say that her culture, which she painstakingly but subtly communicated to her husband, was one which others recognized and which in my opinion put him forever in her debt. He was truly, and in the highest sense, elevated by his association with Natacha.”
How can anyone argue he did not wildly benefit from Natacha in many regards. He went from living in small apartments around Los Angeles and borrowing suits from Doug Gerrard, etc. when he met this:
The money he would be earning by the time they separated and divorced was astounding. The contract with United Artists tells that story. While she was being wedged out the door of their business partnership, his earning power was as high as it could be then. From Affairs Valentino:
“In addition to Rudy's impressive fifty percent of the profits, he would receive a salary of $100,000.00 per film. He would receive this $100,000.00 as follows; for the first of these two films he would receive $50,000.00 cash upon signing the contract and another $50,000.00 upon completion of the film. For his work in the second film, he would receive a weekly paycheck of $10,000.00 which would be deposited in his bank account every Saturday morning.
Upon the completion of the second film, if Rudy’s salary totaled less than $100,000.00, the balance would be paid in full. Rudy would also receive an additional $50,000.00 if production costs for each of these films totaled less than $400,000.00.”
Putting that into perspective, by today's exchange rate x 15, he received a salary of one and a half million dollars a film, receiving $750,000 on signing, another $750,000 on completion. For the second film he would receive a weekly paycheck of $150,000 which he would receive every Saturday morning.
And in the court records I recovered in 2003, the following excerpt cites the value of those last films as recorded in the court ordered Baskerville Audit:
Natacha did extremely well by her man and the numbers tell the story. How ever ephemeral their life together was or the personality and cultural clashes they suffered, they reunited in the last hours of his life and... fact... she made the man.
We can thank her for all her brilliant contributions.
Friday, July 19, 2024
On the Censorship of Our Work
The truth is not subjective when supported by documentation and facts. For fourteen years Renato and I shared a treasure trove of documentation to prove facts about the subject of Rudolph Valentino, Natacha Rambova, S. George Ullman, Frank Mennillo, Robert Florey, etc.
But the Valentino “mainstream” as they like to call themselves plugged their ears. And they went even farther to deny the truth be told. (banning even the mention of us on their two Facebook groups, Mad About the Boy and We Never Forget)
They censored, they lied and basically they panicked. In their continued efforts to silence us, we were portrayed as lunatics, criminals who forged documents, dottering senior citizens and described precisely how this hysterical “mainstream” behaved and behaves themselves. Renato and I were anything but. We were working hard every day, sharp as tacks, full of energy and inspired to find honest answers to our many questions... which we did!
Fortunately there are many in the world of Valentino who have questioning minds, who read our books for themselves, checked our citations, listened to our podcasts and learned some truth along the way. To them I say bravo, you are heroes!....again and again.
To those who decided it was not such a big deal and better to suck up to the “mainstreamers”? I say wake up. Your complicity is sad and embarassing. By supporting them, you support their behavior which has been proven by them year after year to be deplorable.
To censor, to shun, to taunt and harass is to bully. This is what they do. They are bullies by definition despite their ridiculous shrieking to the contrary. Their peep, peep, peepings that they are the victims is pathetic. "Mainstreamers"? I call them bullies, censors and liars.
I assure them no matter how distraught I am now as I grieve the loss of my great love, it will be for him that I will seek and have justice... “Fiat, Justitia Ruat Caelum” ! Below, Renato in 2014 when we visited Matera.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
"To the Order of..."
Monday, May 27, 2024
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Aurelio Miccoli on Valentino's Alleged Poverty on Arrival in America
Fascinating account from Aurelio Miccoli!
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Sunday, May 5, 2024
The Grand Event!
Tomorrow, on the anniversary of the birth of Rudolph Valentino, Valentino scholar Aurelio Miccoli will present Renato's last book in a grand event held in the Valentino Museum in Castellaneta. I am so happy Aurelio Miccoli is representing the book he worked so earnestly on with me to complete after Renato's passing.
Here is the link to the announcement of the event:
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Sharing Valuable Discoveries & Content
I am sharing the following articles which are all from the French newspaper, Comoedia and which I read in the podcasts Part 1 and Part 2 of "Rudolph Valentino & That French Incident".
They are available to anyone, and I consider these letters so valuable I want them to be a part of the Valentino record and historical legacy.
The letter written by Jacques Hebertot (below) is included in the article by Andre Tinchant which I read in Part 1 of the podcast. Date of publication was May 31, 1924.
This (below) is the article by J.L. Croze which includes the complete text written to him as a cablegram from Andre L. Daven. I read this in Part 2. Date of publication was May 29, 1924.
The following is the letter from Andre L. Daven which I read in Part 2. Date of publication was June 20, 1924.