Dear “Happy Road Lawyer Banana”,
I received notification that you were following me on my Tumblr blog and I blocked you. Suffice to say I spotted you miles away on that one. But its kind of like trying to break in to an empty tool shed there on Tumblr. I do next to nothing on that blog so I can save you time and tell you … you are not missing a thing.
I picture you on a Saturday afternoon just now, bored with your anger thinking you could just try and find a way to leave some of your infamously awful comments on my Tumblr blog. Sad way to spend a day. Even a minute of a day.
I will apologize for not posting more, if at all on that Tumblr account but I have too much going on right now. Maybe if you used your real name to follow my more active accounts and did not post lies and vicious crap, slinging your mud our way... maybe I would not just automatically block you. I said maybe.
Over the years I have thwarted the “Happy Road Lawyer Bananas” as best I could because absorbing what I could not thwart... yet... is heavy to bear everyday. So something like that... so obvious... I block instantly.
So how did I spot you? Well easy. “Happy Road” tells me you are for some reason optimistic you will at last ruin us and be victorious... “Lawyer”?... well that identified you 100%... and “bananas”?...this being your dearest wish that I was truly insane.
Yesterday was a thrilling day of discovery here and I am re-inspired to finish up this latest work to share it all. Precious discoveries to complete this great story. So your hopes for the deterioration of my mental well-being are pointless all in all. I think I am doing just fine in that regard.
I am not sorry to have blocked you, "Happy Banana” because after all the awful things you have deserve to have many doors slammed in your face.