Wednesday, March 10, 2021

People Know

I noticed Tracy Terhune joined the Facebook group, Mad About the Boy recently to much fanfare. How is that news? When Cindy Martin told us in 2019 and I quote,

“Tracy is calling the shots, and he is also controlling what Simon and Eleanor Gribbin from Mad About the Boy put out there.”

So there you have it...that group is under Terhune's control and always has been. They fool no one. And Cindy Martin told us this two years ago.

Tracy Terhune, as censor on Mad About the Boy and We Never Forget, through the likes of Eleanor Gribbin controls his now severely outdated Valentino narrative by scrutinizing the edits and deletions of follower's commentary to protect the Alberto Valentino family's false narrative about Rudolph. He controls by issuing a total ban on any mention of our work or even my name. He bans us by default because he fears the truth and in this refuses us any dialogue. Is this intellectual honestly?  Case in point being this clip from a longer post on Mad About the Boy by Simon Constable and Gribbin:

I bothered to read some of their posts and website material and in my opinion it is woefully antiquated. They present a stale narrative which was proven false years ago and in their alleged effort to “respect” the Alberto Valentino family, they police their groups to prevent a lick of progress from occurring.

I guess that is what happens when you live with your heads deep in the sand, as the expression goes, ignoring new legitimate research and discoveries; not a real effective way to stay current. To me this renders their self-serving “Terhune controlled” Facebook groups somewhat prison yards.

Why do I call them “prison yards”? Because the walls are very thick and have ears...the wardens/administrators patrol with the watchfulness of prison guards; ruthlessly and paranoid. They establish and monitor their steel bars to prevent any new information from sneaking in while fooling unknowing followers into thinking they are the final word on one Rudolph Valentino and that all censoring/deletions are done to “protect Rudy”. I do not buy that for one second.

Behind the guarded walls of We Never Forget and Mad About the Boy, Tracy Terhune controls and it is there in my expert opinion that all the lies and half truths about Valentino... and us... fester. The false narrative launched by greedy studios and Alberto Valentino are alive and well behind those locked gates and the truth about Valentino must be kept out at all cost.

Well in not extending my hearty congratulations to Terhune for joining his own group... finally... I say how stupid does he think people are? Let me inform him people know.