Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Will

It appears "Pasionaria" (read Renato's October 7th post "Regarding the Truth") is about to become an expert on Valentino's will and the estate settlement. A load of material has been downloaded from this blog on the subject and by them. I am always happy when the truth is spread but Pasionaria is known for taking full credit for my discoveries.

Might I advise they get the story right this time and not sell it to a readership who could not imagine anyone could be so brazen. So take it easy Pasionaria, share my material and give credit where credit is due. 

I discovered the court records, while Pasionaria told the world I forged them all. I unraveled the documents and found the only publicly available copy of Rudolph Valentino's contract with United Artists. Just a reminder as Pasionaria claimed she did. 

The same people who just spent a decade in the grips of a campaign to ruin me, my late husband Renato and all our books are now posting our discoveries as their own. Reader beware. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Regarding the Truth About Our Integrity and Professionalism by Renato Floris

 * I came across this piece written by Renato and I do not think it was ever published. Renato writes:

“I commend Evelyn for how she is able to face, quite stoically, the daily insults and bullying attacks attempting to force her to close her blog.

A blog where she deals with the topic of “Rudolph Valentino's life” in a scientific way. There she shares her methods which are typical of serious researchers and a thousand miles away from the false truths about the subject of Valentino. Those false truths which have been legitimized, deprived of any logic and without even the slightest intellectual honesty and actual documented evidence.

Intellectual honesty always guides us in our work as it does for all sincere and honest researchers.

The arguments used by those who want us and our work dead and buried, silenced forever, are evidence of their dreamed goal.

But we do not give up so easily and I can also say that if there had not been all these attacks, for years, we might be devoting our time to other research. Their miserable arrogance forced us to continue to work with the seriousness which distinguishes us and on an interesting and truly complex character to which we are not emotionally linked.

Emotions and prejudices are the enemies of any serious search for truth.

The first argument used against us is that we are deceivers. This is because as their last resort, in the face of exceptional documentation... we are branded to be counterfeiters or pushers of false truths and all our documents are branded to be "by default" false and created by us.

There is also a “Pasionaria” who acts as if she were a forensic technician. She pathetically tries to demonstrate that the documents we present are our masterful inventions which she can prove false.

I would advise that lady to devote herself to more useful activities and not let herself be guided only by envy. I know she would like to be Evelyn, but I'm sorry this is a mission impossible because that position is already occupied.

Last but not least, I also remind the "Pasionaria" that insults are not opinions.

The primary weapon used to keep people interested in Valentino's life away from us, is to possess and exhibit Valentino relics. Owning these relics entitles the owner to utter any nonsense. Owning relics does not mean you own or even know the history. All this reminds me of the perfidious practices of the early colonizers who waved colored necklaces and shining trinkets about to steal the good faith of the naive honest natives.

Lastly, I share my clarification that in the famous photograph, taken in Deauville which we used as the image for our most recent podcast, the gentleman to Valentino's left is not André Daven but René Clair. It doesn't take a lot of science to figure out Rene Clair isn't Daven.

I wanted the legitimacy of my discovery to be verified professionally and I asked the highest French authority in cinema for their affirmation this was Rene Clair. I contacted the curator of the iconography section of the Cinémathèque Française, who, without ifs, ands or buts, confirmed the validity of my discovery. .

I am very sorry for these people's provocations as they reject the obvious, because their obstinacy prevents them from learning something new about Rudolph Valentino.

Less bullying and more healthy intellectual honesty.”

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Standing Up

There are heroes and villains in everyone's lives and in my life they are clearly defined. When someone commits villainy at my expense, I seldom/never allow them to inch the tiniest measure towards hero. I am a Cancerian and am by nature unforgiving.

If someone hurts me, or attempts to, I forget them and try to have nothing more to do with them. I share this as explanation to one Cindy Martin because I want her to know I will never open her email response to my post of last week. She sought me out through my website www.zumayawinslawsuit.com and I replied. It's done. 

I am not engaging in a conversation with any villains in my life, which she sure is. So not opening it and not replying. I will know if she made amends.

I prefer to spend my time with heroes, family and friends and I will always defend them, and myself, from villains.

It's called standing up. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024




 An open letter to Ms. Cindy Martin,

This is my response to your message of a few days ago which you sent to me through the www.zumayawinslawsuit.com website. I know people would tell me you just want the attention and to ignore you. All true. But I reply because Renato can't and I know he sure would. I will only reply publicly and believe that you just copy- pasted the same piteous message you seem to send our way about once a year.

So I reply.

I have managed to learn a few things about myself. One of them is that I can not tolerate pathos. I am not so bothered seeing, for example, a dead animal out of its misery. But if that animal is wounded and struggling, it is a piteous, pathetic sight.

Pathetically piteous is how I perceive your wounded and struggling message. After all you have done so maliciously to us over all these years, you think we could just toss back some tea together and be friends? On what planet. Am I honestly on your bucket list as you imply? Number twelve maybe.... be Evelyn's e-mail pal? Nope.

Regarding your explanation as to who runs what on the two cult forums that ban the mention of our names, etc.... I actually got it all perfectly correct. Because you are the “ad-minions” of Tracy Terhune, who owns all your asses, always has and always will.

You have not issued public retractions for your gross lies and miserable behavior towards us over the many, many years. The list is so long on those needed retractions, it would take me months to compile them all. Hardly worth the time. Today I will just leave this one here for the record:

And maybe Donna Hill could issue a retraction for being on that thread and saying nothing when that epic lie was told at Michael Morris' expense.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"Somewhat Hidden in his Tiny Office..." Reposted

In The True Rudolph Valentino by Baltasar Cue, he includes an article titled, “My Last Visit with Rudolph Valentino” which I excerpt.

“It was on the eve of Valentino's last trip from Los Angeles to New York, when I surprised him, somewhat hidden, in his tiny office attached to the rich library of his brand new mansion, Falcon Lair; perched high above the populated city of Beverly Hills. He was writing a love letter by hand and I could not help noticing it began with the eternal words, "My love," in English. It was not inscribed to his beloved Pola Negri. Was, then, the 'Sheik', in the disposition which most characterized him, in life as well as on screen?”

...on p. 149, Cue writes:

“Pola Negri entered her boyfriend's office that day and saw on his desk the letter which began with the eternal words "My love," as it was addressed to another woman. She did not pluck a single hair from the Italian actor's head! She remained as calm as if the epistle was something required as a prop for some movie. 

Did she know it had a different significance, that it was destined for a real person and that Valentino was not working for any movie at the time? Probably, Pola could not conceive that Rudolph could love another woman and this was the reason for her unheardof trust.

Once, when she visited the studio where the movie The Son of the Sheik was being completed, she arrived just at the time when Valentino and Vilma Banky were engaged in an enviously tight and long-lasting kiss. Those around Pola at the time watched to see her reaction to such a situation. Very calmly and with a broad smile showing her confident happiness, the Polish actress told them, "He kisses Vilma, but he thinks of me.”

I guess the love letter could have been written to a number of women, but it makes me wonder who. Did the reconciliation with Natacha begin sooner, was this a secret lover who was never known publicly? Who was the lady and did she receive her love letter. And more to the point, where is that letter today?

The events in Falcon Lair before Valentino left for New York on his final trip east, as witnessed by Baltasar Cue make his account unique. Baltasar Cue's reputation as a respected journalist opened some doors for him as far as interviews and in the case of Valentino; an autobiography. Cue was not a gossip columnist, not a reporter rushing about trying to get some scoop. He was distinguished, hard working, sought after and talented. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

On Being Uncommonly Nonconformist

If something, or someone is referred to as, “mainstream”, imo this describes thought under siege. Whatever the designated mainstream is, you can believe it is a narrative issued by and approved of by a controlling authority. "Mainstream" is to accept that narrative without question and march along blindly with sheeple who obey and believe whatever propaganda is tossed their way.

Ordinary, orthodox, conventional...” is how the dictionary describes “mainstream”. I do not consider that superior or appealing in any way. “Common, conformist...” the definition goes on and in no way will that ever describe me.

Most often a mainstream mentality will never dispute anything challenging the status quo and instead parrot whatever the controlling authority has to say. Why am I even pondering this? Because I am often taunted with accusations I am not a part of the “Valentino mainstream”. I say thank God for that.

Why would I ever want to be part of a mainstream; swept along by blind acceptance, fearful of appearing insubordinate by questioning a tired old orthodoxy? I proudly consider myself far, far outside of that, “Valentino mainstream”.

To those of you who attempt feebly to insult Renato's memory and our work by saying we are not part of the “Valentino mainstream”, I say that is more praise than insult....so thank you. Because this was the result...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Word From Renato Reposted From August 16, 2022

"Nobody's perfect.

I confess here Evelyn and myself have three serious flaws, which I list below:

The first is that we don't know how to lie. I'm sure being able to lie is an indispensable gift these days for some in the world which revolves around Rudolph Valentino. But I am not sorry that we do not know how.

The second is that we do not know how to construct fakes of any kind. What we communicate to the world is only and uniquely the result of our research on the truth about Rudolph Valentino and all the documents we present are only genuine testimonies. Not sorry for that!

The third is that we do not know how to hate. We do know how to feel compassion for those who continually denigrate us and attack us because we are an easy target, too easy even if we defend ourselves with our intellectual honesty.

Our compassion for our opponents is enormous and we pity them because they deny what we discover. In this they do nothing but root themselves once more and deeper in their ignorance. Very sorry for that.

I guess we will not be able to achieve the peaks of hate, lying and constructing fakes of those who, without rest, attack us."